IT Education

What Is Pagination in SEO and Best Practices

While this has caused different reactions among SEOs, it has also emphasized the need to correctly implement pagination. Where numbering is used, the user is able to decide how many more pages they are willing to look at. A large data set may be appealing to a user looking for variety. If a user is interested in more details about the product, they can click on the image/price/link with a call to action to learn more. Pagination also makes it easier for a user to find the information they are looking for.

How to implement pagination

If you had already used pagination on your site, there is no need to remove it. Sites like e-commerce and news sites have no option but to keep using pagination. The Index Coverage Status report will come in handy here to show you which of your paginated pages are being indexed. In order to ensure that your site correctly implements pagination, it is important to test how it is currently being implemented. Unlike in the previous example where there is numbering that indicates pagination, Influence on YouTube doesn’t use numbering.


Disable Page Navigation Buttons

This seems to be more or less how Facebook paginates in its Graph API (scroll down to the bottom to see the pagination links in the format I gave above). In this demo, we’ll be placing the content to be paginated using HTML. The last line uses the getElementsByTagName method to select all the elements with a tag within the table. We create an array (items) of all the child elements and used the slice(1) to exclude the first row (header) and create an array of the remaining rows. With our HTML and CSS in place, the next step is to implement pagination.

Other scenarios are far less benign for your application and machines (imagine hosting it in the cloud and not having proper caching in place). Thus, we need a way to return a set number of results to the client to avoid these consequences. You can check out the full source code for this tutorial in this GitHub repository.

Implementing PagedList Class

We have already implemented basic paging in our ASP.NET Core API. Line 12 states that the minimum page number is always set to 1. Line 13 – For this demonstration, we will set our filter such that the maximum page size a user can request for is 10. If he/she requests a page size of 1000, it would default back to 10. It can show you the status, the messages or error if any, and the data itself (T).

How to implement pagination

If we want to optimize on performance we can adopt various techniques to render data in a more efficient manner. Some of these methods include infinite scroll with virtualization and pagination. To implement this in our project, we will need a service that has a single responsibility, to build URLs based on the pagination filter passed. Line 9 – We will be counting the total records for further use. I’m an experimentalist, researcher, recording every step of how to rank number 1.


This way, your crawl budget will be spent on your best content. Once users are on your site, then they have the opportunity to interact with other pages as structured by your pagination. We start by creating a showPage() function that accepts a page parameter. This function is responsible for displaying the items connected to that specific page when it’s called. This strategy will help you effectively optimize your page with all the paginated content (where all results are displayed) so that it can rank high for necessary keywords. To perform a complete on-page SEO audit and identify issues keeping you away from reaching top of the SERP, make sure to use SE Ranking’s SEO Page Checker .

  • You have to test it and choose which one is faster for your database.
  • We do this by dividing the total number of items by the desired number of items per page.
  • If the index is within the range, the toggle keyword applies the hidden class (which we’ll define in our CSS code) to the item, effectively hiding it.

We also add click event handlers to the page pills which will invoke the onPageChanged callback function with the updated value of currentPage. As a special handling we add a disabled class to the left/right arrow if the currentPage is the first or the last page, respectively. We disable the pointer-events and update the styles of the arrow icons through CSS if the icon needs to be disabled. If you are familiar with setting up a React project, you can skip this section. Add a concrete class, Services/UriServics.cs to implement the above interface.

How to Build a Custom Pagination Component in React

We are using constant maxPageSize to restrict our API to a maximum of 50 owners. If not set by the caller, PageNumber will be set to 1, and PageSize to 10. The best-case scenario would be that you started with a small number of owners that increased slowly over time so you can notice the slow decline in performance.

EFCore makes it dead easy to query just a particular set of records, ideal for paging. Imagine you have an endpoint in your API that could potentially return millions of records with a single request. Let’s say there are 100s of users that are going to exploit this endpoint by requesting all the data in a single go at the same time. This would nearly kill your server and lead to several issues including security.

API pagination best practices

I’ve thought long and hard about this and finally ended up with the solution I’ll describe below. It’s a pretty big step up in complexity but if you do make this step, you’ll end up with what you are really after, which is deterministic results for future requests. For my case I implicitly designate some API calls to allow getting the whole information (primarily reference table data). You can make those drawbacks less likely by increasing the page size and using timestamps with millisecond precision. Following Facebook’s flow, you can (and should) cache the pages already requested and just return those with deleted rows filtered if they request a page they had already requested.

You will be doing your site a disservice as there are pages that will rank lower, pulling your entire site’s rank lower on search engine results. Before we look at how to properly implement pagination on your site, we need to pause and consider the effects of Google’s announcements. However, if your site what is pagination uses pagination, this authority will be split across pages, and become ‘diluted’ as a result. When sites with high site authority link to your site, it is an indicator that your site is also high authority. In the Oscar Hunt example above, all the items shown in the image belong to one product category.

Next and Previous Buttons

On the Web, pagination is a way to break up large pieces of content into more bite-sized pieces. In this article, we’ll look at a simple way to divide content into a series of “pages” using HTML, CSS and vanilla JavaScript. Special tools can help you detect pagination issues and check if you did it right. You can try, for instance, the Pages section of the Google Search Console or SE Ranking’s Website Audit for a more detailed analysis. Pagination is when you split up content into numbered pages, which improves website usability. If you do it right, important content will show up where it should.

How to implement pagination



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